“why am I overburdened?”

Stop making this about you…

You Are Overburdened, is a blog where I share all of my ideas regarding video games.

The title of the blog is not only my first post, but a metaphor for the way I feel about all the ideas I have; inevitably left by the way-side due to either ADHD, apathy, or lack of knowing “people in the know”.

Thus, this site be my attempted remedy.

Apart from video games, I enjoy playing guitar and making heavy metal, as well as the words of Jerry Holkins, Penny-Arcade; Mark Serrells, Kotaku AU; all the guys at Giant Bomb, and the fervid use of the semicolon.

If you like any of my ideas, please let me know. I am more than willing to be cross-published to other sites, providing appropriate credit back to this blog.

Thank you for giving my thoughts an audience.

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